My RedState post on Islamic State is up.

Found here.  Short version: …there is something evil going on in Islamic State territory. And I wonder sometimes whether the ‘e’ in ‘evil’ there should be capitalized.

6 thoughts on “My RedState post on Islamic State is up.”

    1. Cellphones, personal computers, tablets. All means of communication that a terrorist might use to commit an act of… domestic violence, since it’s not terrorism.

      Obviously these devices are too dangerous to be left in people’s hands without constant government supervision. Comrade.

  1. No, it should not be capitalized.

    It should be “EVIL”, followed by other adjectives I will forebear to list.

  2. The secularists (note that the venn diagram overlap with atheists** is not at all complete) demand that there be no such thing as evil, simply “misunderstood” or “damaged”…
    Until that changes, or until the secularists are shamed back into hiding – which will only happen if Joey Sixpack gets a good, hard look at what secularists have been busily *defending* over there – this kind of human-made tragedy will, of course, continue.
    ** worth noting that the *anti*-theists are pretty much all secularists, the a-theists not so much .. to understand the difference, you’ll need to brush up on your latin.

  3. I heard that the same source apparently claimed that mixed race marriages produce a lot of Down’s babies. Which raises questions about medical and scientific competence, among other things.
    Was the translation correct? Is somebody lying? Could ISIS have some non-eugenics purpose?
    (Not defending Eugenics. Eugenicists should be beaten, tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.)

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