9 thoughts on “My RedState piece on Nikki Haley’s response to the SotU.”

  1. “In many parts of society today, whether in popular culture, academia, the media, or politics, there’s a tendency to falsely equate noise with results.”

    And right there is the problem. Donald Trump did not come out of nowhere. The GOP leadership called him up by their manifold failures. And sitting around insulting the Republican base voters was just the whipped cream and cherry on the sundae of their fail.

    Complacency – hubris – always reaps a Nemesis, and this time around Nemesis comes in the form of a celebrity developer with a very angry scalp-weasel.

  2. It was good, though she needs to grit her teeth less while talking, I think. I was lucky, I watched a couple of shows I had recorded, and when the second one was over, it happened to be the first 30 seconds or so of the response, so I wasn’t subjected to any of Obama’s speech.
    One reason it was good was, if you listened to the words carefully, while you might have thought it was aimed at Trump, it was just as much aimed at Marco ‘gang of 8’ Rubio and Jeb ‘Open Borders’ Bush. It was a very fine line to walk between trying to move voters away from Trump, and move them away from voting for anyone on the Republican side.

    1. Glad for your take on it, Skip. Didn’t watch, but the word around conservative hangouts indicate that they took it as an attack on Trump (&Cruz) – it wasn’t picked up as aiming at Marco and Bush.

      The problem Nikki faces (and the Establishment GOP) is that the base has turned against what they perceive as sellouts to the Democrats. Perception is often everything, even if irrational… As long as McConnell and the House enable the Democrats, the GOP will continue to lose its base.

      1. There’s no “perception”.
        The GOP has been talking about shrinking the size and scope of government for as long as I can remember.
        But they never have, never tried, and never will.
        And they attack those who try much more aggressively than they ever attack Democrats.

      1. Word use noted.
        Trump has one of the best collections of enemies, but one of the worst collections of supporters in this race.
        That said, Johnson 2016, so…

        1. Ah, I just want more like the Cruz Duck Dynasty ad. It made me laugh and it didn’t drag anybody else down to do it. I feel that this is a reasonable thing for me to want… 🙂

          1. Yes, that is a reasonable want. Whether Cruz can get back on non-offensive offense is an open question at this point.

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