My PJ Lifestyle piece on sex and RPGs is up.

Found here.  Short version: well, it’s about how sexual stuff can be in RPGs.  Like it’s in, oh, virtually every other form of popular entertainment known to man,

2 thoughts on “My PJ Lifestyle piece on sex and RPGs is up.”

  1. I admit, I’m a prude who likes the squishy bits to happen off screen.
    For one thing, listening to two guys talk about his ins character is seducing the other character rapidly turns to squick. “You both had a wonderful time” is about as detailed as I’m willing to go.
    For another, it’s a great example of player knowledge interfering with character knowledge. You have a character in a dangerous world who is alone and vulnerable. His friends should worry, at least a bit. And sometimes, with good cause. The femme fatale is always a useful trope.
    And of course, every relationship is a goldmine of plot hooks.
    (Not that I’m above stealing the witch’s super concentrated love portion and spiking the barrel of ale in the tavern. There would have been easier ways to cause a distraction, but they wouldn’t have been as fun.)
    But I freely admit that I talked to the gay ME3 crewmember once, and only once. If your character has nothing more important to tell me than he’s a token homosexual, I’m going to be neither interested nor impressed. In fact, I’ll be rather hostile about being it rubbed in my face.
    The lesbian was more interesting in that she seemed to be coming on to your character in a way that would weaken your team, while you’re actively trying to woo back your girlfriend. The revelation that she was not interested, just had a unfortunate habit of speaking in double entendres, was a relief.

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