Tweet of the Day, Pay For The Damned Art, Already edition.

Look, it’s one thing to enjoy art that is being offered gratis. If somebody’s handing out free ice cream, go ahead and take a bowl without a smidgen of guilt. But don’t ask for free art. Particularly if you’re the sort to assume that you can then order the artist around. Or simply condescend.

Moe Lane

PS: What’s that? “Your organization doesn’t have the money for pay for art?” …Well, go get some money, then. There are other line items in the budget that can be tightened.

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Pay For The Damned Art, Already edition.”

  1. Or at least have the decency to use an art student that will get credit for it, and expend their portfolio.
    Yes, you’ll be paying for their supplies. Yes, they’ll buy more supplies than they need and use them on other projects.
    Get over it. You’re still getting a bargain.

  2. It would be one thing if they offered their stores as exhibit spaces in which the public could view art pieces with price tags on them. In my town a couple of local banks do this. But these clowns just want free art for their employee lounges. I’d wager that not very many store employees would be inclined to purchase these art works … especially if they see them every day for free.

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