Need some personal wiki advice.

It was recommended that I use Wikipedia-type software as a way of organizing my notes on creative projects. I’m planning to start up some creative projects. So… what, exactly, am I supposed to do, here?

Assume that I know precisely enough to be dangerous. Which is to say, I know enough to download something called Mediawiki, but I don’t know what to do next. And I was barely self-aware enough not to do anything else.

9 thoughts on “Need some personal wiki advice.”

  1. I am not too versed on Wiki, but there is a nifty app in the app store called MindNode. It works somewhat like an Ishikawa diagram and allows you to visually organize trains of thought and flesh out/weed out logical dead ends.
    It works great for me in building complex project schedules and breaking down work, so I assume that it could be at least as helpful with story-telling.
    It is also super easy to use – easy enough that I could wrap my small-ish, ADD brain around the concept.

  2. Have you considered Scrivener? It’s not a wiki, but it’s a good program for organizing large-scale writing projects, like novels and research papers.

  3. I’ve done it for campaign worlds.
    Step one is build a homepage with the basic information.
    Step two is to build a table of contents. (You can helpfully leave off things that won’t be discovered until later, and just add the links when they become relevant.)
    After that, make individual pages. It’s useful, but not necessary to have the category in the header, or just make a page for every category that’s basically just a list of links.
    One important thing that’s easy to miss, always include a “back” or “up one level” button.
    Then when you’re doing a session summary, you can just drop relevant links into the body as potholes.

  4. As for the wiki, I don’t know much. In terms of tracking your work and being more productive with your time, I’d recommend Trello.

  5. I would suggest Evernote, or TiddlyWiki if you decide you really must have a wiki.

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