Boots of Interesting Times
These particular items may or may not be cursed; the question is apparently more subjective than you’d think. There have been adventurers who moved Heaven and earth to get rid of the Boots, and there are adventurers who fought to the death to keep them. It seems that it all depends on one’s perspective.
Certainly the Boots are enchanted to stick with the wearer unless some rather arcane and painful rituals are performed; while you can take them off, they won’t stray far – and their magical qualities still affect the wearer anyway, so you might as well wear them. The problem is that when you wear the Boots of Interesting Times you will invariably find yourself in any number of legitimately dangerous if not actually dire situations, on a more or less regular schedule. On the bright side, the wearer of the boots typically gets the devil’s own luck when it comes to surviving said situations (in game terms, figure out what the maximum bonus to survival and defense rolls would be for an epic-level artifact, and apply that).
…And that’s why more than a few professional adventurers don’t really think that the Boots are cursed. Or at least not very cursed. After all, if you’re in this line of work anyway…