They had to replace two outdoor wires and one outdoor one, and then they yanked the cable modem and put in a new one because I strongly hinted that that would be awesome, thanks: but, it’s done. I feel bad for Comcast: it’s not actually their fault that this took this long. At the time that the appointment was made Tuesday was the earliest that they could send somebody to the house when I would be there: they tried to get somebody over, the morning after I called in the problem. In fact: excellent customer service all around, honesty. I must remember to say nice things about it during the phone survey followup.
So, anyway: I can metaphorically breathe again! How you miss broadband, when you suddenly don’t have it…
I had Comcast. Horrific service and customer service.
Bright House has been much better customer service to me.
I have had less than stellar customer service from Comcast. Glad it went smoothly for you.
Good to hear that something went right for you. Hopefully, it continues.
Comcast has been okay, but then, I know a guy.