Found here:
- Be the first one let out.
- Knee the manager in the groin (keep doing this as necessary until step #3 is completed).
- Use the manager’s speed dial to call the record label president and explain to him that if he does not want to be formally charged as an accessory to multiple kidnapping charges and then have the record label sued to oblivion he will send over a new manager RIGHT NOW to handle basic organizational sh*t like keeping track of the motherf*cking instruments and getting them packed away every goda*ned night.
…No, I don’t know why this innocent math/logic puzzle infuriated me, either. Possibly because of the suggestion that the manager is the most important cog in this particular wheel? I mean, if I’m great at making music then that’s my job; it’s the manager’s job to help me do mine, which is more important than his. Not to be a prima donna about that, but remember: in this scenario I’ve woken up in a sensory deprivation room with my hands and legs tied. I’m not the one who went Full Metal Prima Donna first, is what I’m saying.
Moe Lane
PS: The problem that the manager would have with summoning security to stop me from kneeing him in the groin is that it just accelerates the speed with which we get to the point where the cops arrive and find a room full of tied-up musicians being forced to participate in some weird G-rated, Saw-like bullsh*t. I mean, kidnapping is a straight-up felony, friends. One of the ones where you can do hard time.
You and Alexander The Great would have been great friends.
…Worked, didn’t it?
Hey, I respect Alexander The Great’s directness.
Just avoid him when he’s in a blind-drunk-ready-to-run-a-spear-through-his-best-friend mood.