The ‘Michael Pena’s taking a risk here’ FANTASY ISLAND trailer.

I’m not sure that rebooting FANTASY ISLAND as straight-up horror — or, sure, rebooting it at all — was the way to go, but here we apparently are.

If I do see it, it’ll be because of Michael Pena. I like the dude. I think that he should get a suit or something else cool in the next Ant-Man flick*. Maybe give him a super-power, hey? Even limited flying would be the best thing ever for the guy.

Moe Lane

*You realize, of course, that at some point someone will ask Luis what he did during the Snap. A hush will come over the theater when that blessed moment occurs. Because it will be sublime.

The ‘Welp, it’s a Nick Cage movie all right’ COLOR OUT OF SPACE trailer.

And if anything’s gonna try to make a decent flick out of COLOR OUT OF SPACE, it’s gonna be a movie that hires Nicholas Cage for the main role. This trailer straight up has everything I expected to see. Does that mean that the movie’s good? Not at all. But it’s gonna try to hit the right notes, at least.

Random meandering about Art, Scorsese, and Cinema.

To be fair, I understand why Martin Scorsese wrote this: “…the sameness of today’s franchise pictures is something else again. Many of the elements that define cinema as I know it are there in Marvel pictures. What’s not there is revelation, mystery or genuine emotional danger. Nothing is at risk. The pictures are made to satisfy a specific set of demands, and they are designed as variations on a finite number of themes.” (H/T: Hot Air Headlines) in defense of his earlier statement that the Marvel films are not cinema.

Continue reading Random meandering about Art, Scorsese, and Cinema.