Joss Whedon drops Batgirl.

Why? Supposedly… “”Batgirl is such an exciting project, and Warners/DC such collaborative and supportive partners, that it took me months to realize I really didn’t have a story,” Whedon told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement.”  No story?  No story?  Since when has ‘lacking a story’ been even a speed bump on the Hollywood journey? Continue reading Joss Whedon drops Batgirl.

The Thor Ragnarok Darryl short movie starring the Grandmaster.

This is more of a teaser I think than anything else: I think that they want to see how people will react to Jeff Goldblum The Grandmaster moving in with Darryl.  I’ll be honest; it was this series of Thor/Darryl shorts that first gave me some hope that Thor: Ragnarok Would Not Suck. And clearly the only way that they could get Jeff Goldblum to do this series at this point would be because he wanted to, so I have hopes that we’ll see more of them.

Via GeekTyrant.

The second ‘Rampage’ trailer.

This one… isn’t so bad. I mean, you have to grade Rampage on a curve, because it’s a video game movie and we all know what that means.  But it has its moments. Including A-10 Warthogs, which should absolutely be the first choice when you’re dealing with giant monsters.  It’s nice to see that Hollywood is finally catching up on that.

I don’t know. If it gets good buzz, maybe I’ll go see it.  I laughed at some of the stuff in the trailer, after all.

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, I have low standards when it comes to movies.

Oh, boy: they’re rebooting Willy Wonka.

Hey! Maybe they’ll make a kid’s flick this time! “Paul King is trading in marmalade for chocolate bars.  EW can confirm that the Paddington helmer is in final negotiations to direct Willy Wonka, a new take on Roald Dahl’s classic children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” It’s apparently going to be a prequel, because why not? Continue reading Oh, boy: they’re rebooting Willy Wonka.

God, the second half of the Tick can’t come soon enough.

February 23rd, and I’m counting the days at this point.  Let us say that I grow less impressed with reboots every year, so having one that I actually want to watch is refreshing.  Or perhaps the proper term there is ‘a lifeline.’ Although possibly The Tick merely torments me, instead.  The reboots don’t have to suck, after all. They just almost always do.  I find this distressing.

Moe Lane

PS: It was either this or a rant about how certain shows drew their appeal from the craptastic eras in which they first appeared.  I know where those rants lead, and the Internet has been exasperating enough this weekend.