The very promising ‘7 Days in Entebbe’ trailer.

‘Very promising’ because 7 Days in Entebbe looks like they’re not going to be playing around with the narrative. Here are the bad guys (the terrorists); there are the good guys (Mossad). When the two intersect, the bad guys go away.  Which is just what we all want to see.

Continue reading The very promising ‘7 Days in Entebbe’ trailer.

The surprisingly possible ‘Chappaquiddick’ trailer.

Huh. This… might not suck?

I’m with Allahpundit on this one; it seems almost impossible to think that Hollywood could play the Chappaquiddick story straight. And yet, here we are. Maybe the bloom is finally well be off that particular Irish rose, huh?

And that’s where I’ll leave it.  Further commentary would be approaching a line.

Back from the movies.

My wife hadn’t seen The Last Jedi yet, so we went to go see.  She had quite a bit to say about space tactics on the trip back, although she liked the movie overall (as much as she likes movies, which is kind of hit or miss usually). Honestly, the most interesting thing about her reaction?  …The Porgs, man.  She thought that the Porgs were hysterical.  I may have to go to the mall tomorrow. Or maybe the Target will have them. Yeah, I should check the Target first.

Moe Lane

PS: I personally found that the movie rewarded a second viewing, although I understand that half of my readership were not entirely impressed by a first viewing.  I readily concede that I am easygoing when it comes to movie reviews.

The ‘Ocean’s 8’ trailer.

OK. I didn’t expect Ocean’s 8 to look this good.

It’s not a remake of the remake of the original, it’s not set in the same world (or is it?), it’s not the same heist (although it’s got some of the same tropes), and it’s not in Vegas. It could be good! It at least shows enough promise that I’m willing to give the next trailer a chance to persuade me.  Your mileage may vary.

The superficial oddity of The Last Jedi’s Rotten Tomatoes Score.

Jeff visualized the oddity here:

Continue reading The superficial oddity of The Last Jedi’s Rotten Tomatoes Score.

So, they’re doing a Tolkien biopic.

Principal photography is finished on it:

Tolkien explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiration among a group of fellow outcasts at school. This takes him into the outbreak of World War I, which threatens to tear the “fellowship” apart. All of these experiences would inspire Tolkien to write his famous Middle-Earth novels.

So, who’s starring in it? Oh, somebody that you almost certainly know: Nicholas Hoult.  …What’s that? No, really: you know this guy.


You don’t think you know who he is? Fine. Continue reading So, they’re doing a Tolkien biopic.