Tweet of the Day, I Fail To See How An Animaniacs Reboot Can End Badly edition.

Because this sort of thing ALWAYS works out in the end.

Maybe if they bring back the actors, the animators, the artists, the writers, and the entire production crew? And rewind the culture so that it’ll all make sense?  And… OK, that last bit I was about to write probably qualified as libel.

The ‘Batman & Harley Quinn’ trailer.

It’s not a very imaginative name, is it?  ‘Batman & Harley Quinn’ sounds like a working title that they chose for the filing while somebody came up with a new, better one; only that person was let go, or something, and by the time somebody noticed it was too late to come up with anything else.

…That’s my guess, at least.

This one is gonna be direct to digital on August 15th.

Moe Lane

PS: There should be all sorts of entertaining subtext, given that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are dating in the comics now (and maybe in the upcoming standalone Harley Quinn movie). What’s that?  Oh, yeah, Suicide Squad ended up making almost seven hundred and fifty million bucks globally.  That’s enough for sorta-kinda sequels.

Oh! Happy Birthday, Star Wars!

Forty years old today, if you score the premiere as a birthday. And why not?  Which means that Star Wars is probably going to have a midlife crisis now. …Yes, it’s kind of already having a midlife crisis. Sort of.  It’s certainly got the sports car and hot new girlfriend vibe going, huh?


Castlevania coming to Netflix as an animated series.

I never played Castlevania, because I never had a NES, because I was lucky to have a Commodore 64.  But if this was your jam*, back in the day, then Netflix wants your attention.  Apparently Warren Ellis is doing the writing, too:

Amusing intro to that trailer, too.  It’s what convinced me to put it up, in fact.  It’s the little things, huh?

Moe Lane

*Did I say that right?  I’m pretty sure that’s what the kids say, these days. It seemed weirdly appropriate.

Topic for Discussion: should Hugh Jackman get an Oscar nomination for Logan?

Deadpool thinks so.

I can’t actually say, myself, because I’m saving Logan for when I’m in a sad mood anyway and thus not throwing away a perfectly good sunny attitude (I learned this trick from watching Hotel Rwanda, and trying to watch Jessica Jones).  But from everything I’ve heard Jackman brought it all to the table for this flick. But was it enough?

Are you ready for Top Gun 2? …No?

Well, TOO BAD, because Hollywood’s going to extrude it out anyway and put it on a tray:

Tom Cruise has officially confirmed that Top Gun 2 is happening. While appearing on the Australian TV morning show Sunrise that Top Gun 2 has moved past the development stage, and is ready for launch. He added the film is “gonna start filming it probably in the next year.”

Continue reading Are you ready for Top Gun 2? …No?

The new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer.

Apparently expecting Tony Stark to just create a super-suit and not trick it out with, well, everything is an absurdity.  There’s no way Peter can hope to keep that thing permanently. And yeah, I know that there’s a clip from an earlier trailer showing that it was taken away from him at one point. He’ll still get it back for the finale, because that’s how it happens in the movies.

Also: this movie is still looking very promising.

The ‘Zombillenium’ trailer.

This might not be awful.  The animation style isn’t exactly what I care for, and this is in French, which means that there’s likely to be some unfortunate depictions of various groups at some point, but at least there’s a range of monsters here and it’s all very World of Darkness, or at least World of Insufficient Light (I forget where I heard that first). If the story’s not bad it’ll be watchable.