[UPDATED] It has been suggested that my advertising strategy is over-subtle.

[UPDATE]: I should have thought of this first, but Constant Reader Matt was too fast on the draw for me:

This would be impressive, if true: virtually nothing else about me is. But, just on the off-chance… Amazon is doing Video on Demand here.

…OK, actually, hold up for a second. This Kings show: is it any good?  I understand that its got an entire Old Testament David/Saul vibe going, which is an argument in its favor.

Anyway: there’s the Amazon thing up there; there’s the BlogAds thing that I’m signed up for over there; and of course there’s the Laptop Drive…

…which I am sure that all of you are well tired of hearing about.

There. Now I can go back to nattering on.

Uwe Boll probably has this optioned.

Old, but still funny.

If you’re wondering who Uwe Boll is, let’s just say that among the video game community that name is an alternate form of ‘Anti-Christ.’

No, really.

Moe Lane

PS: On the other hand, any guy who can get Troma mentioned – favorably – in the New York Times may not be completely bad. If only by accident.

Yet another Laptop Drive update.

It’s actually almost over, thanks to the generosity of several individuals. Good thing that I got that button working, huh?

Speaking of which:

As noted before, the sooner this is over the sooner I can go back to writing zombie haiku:

Grey cherry blossoms
Exploding in the spring air –
Head shots are messy.

Which may or may not appeal, of course.