Mass Cane Toad Culling in Australia.

It’s called “Toad Day Out,” and the Australians apparently loathe the targets of this latest holiday with an unholy passion. Do check out some of the quotes in that link, by the way: they’re pretty good.

Personally, I’m still trying to figure out how the Latest Headlines feature on my Firefox toolbar knew that I was the sort of person who would be interested in this story. It’s kind of alarming, really.

Amazing how things can *not* change over time, huh?

Having seen the Yes, Prime Minister clip found here I went looking for some more. This one here is biting (and still relevant), on a variety of levels:

…and it’s just as well that the embedding is disabled on this one, because the last line is simultaneously perfect and possibly distressing to those of delicate sensibilities.

Crossposted to RedState.

A very flattering Birthday Present / “Earth Hour” response…

…from RS Constant Reader mailloux:


…or more accurately, his kids:


…in reference to this post about a counter of the meaningless gesture of sitting in the dark for an hour today to show your opposition to global warming. As it is my birthday*, mailloux’ children made me a cake out of Lite Brites… which, as you can see, is a very cool thing to do.  I’m flattered immensely: I especially want to thank his kids for doing this. Even if they love playing with Lite-Brites anyway.

Moe Lane

*Tip jar, etc, etc, etc.

Crossposted to RedState.