The explanation of the Clown Attack Video.

This one:

(Via AoSHQ)

They’re flogging this sucker, which has an aspect ratio that can fullscreen standard cinema on a flatscreen TV without black bars. Interestingly, they’re still making the old kind; of course, given the way that the price is carefully not mentioned, that’s not too surprising.

My wife and I differ on whether this represents a brilliant viral advertising ploy. She pointed out that I am after all writing a blog post explaining this: point taken, but they still probably should have mentioned the TV thing at some time during the shootout.

Moe Lane

And in an exceptionally strange digression…

…I note that Gideon Defoe’s The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists: A Novel is out, and that The Pirates! In an Adventure with Napoleon: A Novel will be coming out soon.  My (lovely, long-suffering, and very patient) wife loved the previous two books in the series (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists: A Novel & The Pirates! In an Adventure with Ahab: A novel): she’ll be happy to hear that there are more available/scheduled.

Really, without her forbearance this site would not be permitted to exist…

Independence Day.

Independence Day is the movie that fuels the very idea behind TV Tropes.

Independence Day is proof that collages really are their own art form.

Independence Day is the movie that would result if you yanked an Atomic Horror director forty years forward in time.

Plus, it had this classic scene:

…so there’s that.

Moe Lane

*While Mars Attacks! is the movie that a 1950s Atomic Horror director would have made if he only had the budget and special effects access*. The difference is subtle, yet important.

While I think that this is a pretty good list…

…to be found here, the emphasis is on “think:” I know enough about guns to know that they’re not magical talismans that mystically control all situations, but pretending anything beyond that would only result in gales of horrified laughter from my father-in-law, who does know something about guns.

But I do know something about history, so I can comment about this:


You see that guy? Don’t mess with that guy.

Just… don’t.

Moe Lane

PS: The Gurkha situation is actually fairly interesting: the current government of Nepal – democratically elected Maoists, and that’s apparently not an oxymoron – is in favor of ending the recruitment of Gurkha regiments; they’ve backed down in the face of the disapproval of former Gurkhas, because You Do Not Mess With Gurkhas.  Something that the British government itself might contemplate, particularly when it comes to pensions.

Susan Boyle when she’s got a production studio behind her.

Via Bob Krumm, via Glenn Reynolds who has some interesting observations about how she’s like the Tea Party thing – but first things first. Dag, but that’s pretty singing there. I expect that the charity CD that’s it’s from is going to get re-released in the very, very near future.

Moe Lane

PS: Amazon isn’t wasting any time.

Crossposted to RedState.

Yes, yes, yes: Snakes on a Plane!

Everybody in the world will be referencing Snakes on a Plane for this story, apparently.

Baby Pythons Escape on Passenger Plane

April 16, 2009 — Four baby pythons escaped from a container aboard a passenger plane in Australia, leading to a search that forced the cancellation of two flights, the airline said Thursday.

Personally, I feel sort of sorry for the snakes: there isn’t any particular harm in a Stimson python, apparently.  For an Australian species, that’s actually pretty impressive.

I believe that the technical term for this is ‘Satanism FAIL.’

What’s Yiddish for “You’re doing it wrong?”  I don’t actually speak the language: I merely know the vocabulary words required for all residents by New Jersey state law*.

Via The Sundries Shack, who – less cruelly than I – did not mention the exceptionally poor grammar and spelling of everybody involved.  Including the critics.

Moe Lane

*Note: this law may not exist.

Crossposted to RedState.

Military Motivator now at Blackfive.

My buddy Cam (who went with me to the DC Tax Party thing to act as general hanger-outer-with and backup, in case the counter-demonstrators got stroppy*) mentioned to me that Blackfive had picked up all rights to use Military Motivator from the guy who originally did it.

I liked this one:


The tag is here.

Moe Lane

PS: Also, do Marines have indelible ink on their foreheads or something that only another Marine can see? Cam kept finding other Marines all day.

*They didn’t. Heck, they stayed as invisible as possible.