Saw Skyfall…

…it was good.  Very good, in fact.  Apparently, compared to Quantum of Solace, it can heal the sick.  Bit of a reset, though… still, go ahead and watch it if you’re holding back because of Quantum.

The trailers were largely crap, with one blatant exception.

…Yeah.  They know.  They know, and they’re going to put it on my plate.  They’re going to put it on my plate, and I’m going to eat it.  And that’s the way it is.

“A Good Day To Die Hard.”

McClane’s going to Russia!


You know, the only reason – the only reason – why I’m not declaring kanly right now is because Red Did Not Suck. ‘Course, I said the same thing about Live Free or Die Hard, so we’re having the ‘unreliable narrator’ problem again…

Moe Lane

Via @jtLOL.  Who is being a bit mean to Bruce Willis: the man’s only 56.  Besides: we cheerfully watched Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood be old badasses, didn’t we?