There’s a guy looking to collect one million pictures of hand-drawn giraffes.

(Via @CalebHowe) He thinks that he can do it; and, really, this is the other thing that the internet is for*.  If you can’t actually draw… well, you can go here; it’s a useful skill to have, I’m sure.

Anyway, here’s my (evil) giraffe.


Excuse me, but I was an English major; so why don’t you go sit down, make yourself comfortable, and have a nice cup of STFU?

[UPDATE] As God is my witness, my son immediately and without encouragement improved this picture so that the evil giraffe has now fallen into the volcano lair’s lava:


Thus ends the career of a promising themed supervillian, over before it even truly began.

Moe Lane Continue reading There’s a guy looking to collect one million pictures of hand-drawn giraffes.