Acticons / Neil Stevens, revisited.

Caleb put up another version of his Acticons post here, and I wanted to highlight this link to Neil Stevens’ own tip jar [FIXED!].  Neil does a whole lot of work for the Online Right; work that lets me have a soapbox from which to declaim.  Without him and folks like him, our communication is limited to how loud we can shout.

In other words, the infrastructure people need the help, too.

ActiCons is having a pledge drive.

Its owner, our own Caleb Howe (who some of you can thank for having such a good time at the RS Gathering, among quite a few other things) raises a good point; we’re on our own when it comes to funding conservative investigative blogging. Heck of a thing, but there it is – and while it may make us lean and mean, it mostly makes us lean.

So give him a hand. Particularly if you’re an conservative billionaire looking to give the current party running Congress the shakes, shivers, and galloping staggers.

Moe Lane

PS: Me? Go buy something on Amazon. It’s my only revenue stream these days.

Crossposted to RedState.

[UPDATE] : Caleb has emailed me to argue that I should be doing the same for my site, as well.  Do I need it?  Well…  probably, yes. The ‘new’ laptop’s refurbished and apparently doesn’t like most flavors of wi-fi; the videocam’s too old to be compatible with Vista; my digital recorders can’t directly plug into computers; I edit my videos using Windows Movie Maker; and I am taking my life into my hands every time I use the family camera on one of these jaunts.

I don’t complain about this stuff to my readers, mostly because it feels like whining – but there it is.  I use a kit that’s been slapped together through scrounging, spare gift certificates and some timely donations, and I think that everybody else on the Right trying to do activism has the same bloody problem.

[Further UPDATE]: And let’s not even discuss the loss that Neil is taking in hosting this site.