Quick background: Adam Mark Smith, as you almost certainly will not remember until I remind you, was that daft idiot who not only filmed himself harassing a Chick-fil-A drive-through cashier over her employer’s social conservatism, he did his best to make the video (air quotes) ‘go viral.’ It did. He then lost his job. Now Mister Smith is on food stamps*. And I’m told that various groups and sites out there have gotten kind of worked up about it** in the last few days… sorry, what’s that?
“Who cares?” That’s a very good question. And the answer is, of course, “Nobody on our side.” Which is a good thing for Adam Smith, right? After all, this entire thing happened in 2012. I had forgotten about this guy. So did the rest of you, probably. I don’t think that any of us really gives a… ah, it’s no skin off of our collective noses if he works or not***. So why didn’t anybody in the Activist Left just quietly give Mr. Smith a job about a year or so ago and be done with it? Continue reading The Activist Left’s sympathy for Adam Mark Smith is worth its weight in gold.