Adult. Proms.

Ye gods and little fishes.  You’re right, Allahpundit: I don’t want to know.

Incidentally, this is my conversation with my wife on this:

Me: Hey, did you see the latest new trend?  Adult proms!

Wife: When you say ‘latest new trend,’ do you mean ‘something that the New York Times made up?’

Me: …They have pictures.

Wife: Sure!  I am willing to concede that this happened once.

Me: Hold on… Fort Wayne, Beverly, Green Bay… Decatur and Cedar Rapids.  OK, to be fair to the Times; five times in one year qualifies as a trend.

Wife: Yes, dear. (Goes back to playing with my iPad2).


You know, I thought that I had won that one – but now I’m not so sure.

Moe Lane