George W Bush to visit Africa again! …And, oh, yeah: so will Barack Obama.

Two comments on this:

Mr. Bush, who made fighting AIDS in Africa a top goal of his administration, will take a trip there — his third since leaving office — as part of a program to combat cervical cancer. He will leave late next week for Zambia, where he will help refurbish a clinic, and then head to Tanzania, where his wife, Laura Bush, is organizing a forum for African first ladies.

Mr. Bush will overlap briefly on July 2 with Mr. Obama in Tanzania, the last stop on the current president’s itinerary after Senegal and South Africa. There are no plans for the two to see each other, but Michelle Obama has agreed to attend the first ladies’ forum with Mrs. Bush in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, to promote women’s education, health and economic empowerment.

One is nice, one is… not so nice. Continue reading George W Bush to visit Africa again! …And, oh, yeah: so will Barack Obama.

#QOTD, An Unsettling Line From @Instapundit Edition.

In reaction to Walter Russell Mead’s post about the latest round of (presumably) Muslim violence against Christians in Nigeria, Glenn Reynolds writes:

While the Knights Templar slouch toward Rome, waiting to be reborn.

Judging from the literary reference embodied by ‘slouch,’ Glenn does not wish* to see another Crusade; and neither do I.  Neither does, I think, Pope Benedict XVI.  But the final decision of whether there will be one is not exactly in any of our hands. Including the Pope’s: most of the Christians in Africa are going to be indifferent at best towards the opinions of the head of the Roman Catholic Church…

Moe Lane

*Note the verb choice.

#rsrh Amnesty International: arrestbusharrestbusharrestbush

There’s just something pathetic about Amnesty International, these days:

Amnesty International is calling for the arrest of former President George W. Bush while he is traveling overseas in Africa.


Bush is traveling overseas in Africa to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, cervical and breast cancer across the continent.

Continue reading #rsrh Amnesty International: arrestbusharrestbusharrestbush

#rsrh Peter Wehner smacks around John Derbyshire.

Oh, good.  John Derbyshire hates former President Bush’s African AIDS initiative.  That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside; but not as much as reading Peter Wehner’s elegant, devastating, and – most importantly – informed destruction of Derbyshire.  It’s always nice to see nativist fools (particularly nativist fools who weren’t born here, and who want to slam the door firmly shut behind them) schooled so comprehensively.

Via Jeffrey Goldberg, who is nonetheless all wet with his call to stop contributing to an Israeli firefighting emergency fund.  That comes perilously close to irony, in fact.