@BarackObama breaks through the 40% floor. …Downwards.

Feast your eyes on this one, folks:


For those without picture access, it shows that Barack Obama has dipped below an average 40% job approval rating on RCP.  That more or less means that any policy-making that the Democrats want to do next year will likely not feature the President’s ‘help;’ and, of course, that Barack Obama will have plenty of time to practice his golf swing during the summer and fall of 2014.  Only… the Democrats would prefer that he do that in states that do not have a Democratic Senator up for re-election, OK? Continue reading @BarackObama breaks through the 40% floor. …Downwards.

‘When Democrats Turn.’

Well, everybody’s turning – Congress is at 18/78 approval/disapproval, which makes you wonder about the four percent who can’t make up their minds – but the Democrats have gone from 45% to 30% in a month, which … well, is this not a pretty graph?


Particularly that 15 point drop among Democrats, which is not so much a drop as a ‘dive.’  Unfortunately, the nature of graphs such as these cannot convey a sense of a tumbling, end-over-end, unpowered fall; not that I’m suggesting that anything happened in the last month that might have caused a catastrophic engine failure for the Democratic party.

Moe Lane

PS: For those Democrats wondering why no-one in their party leadership doesn’t seem to want to embrace this as evidence that Congressional Democrats should embrace the President’s agenda… look at the graph of independent support.  It’s been eroding over the last year… and started to steadily erode once the Democrats acquired their super-majority in July 2009.  For many Congressional Democrats, this is the only job that they’ve ever known; they get twitchy when people suggest strategies that might end up forcing them to actually have to work for a living.

Crossposted to RedState.

I’d like to introduce these two approval rating polls to each other.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Hot Air readers. May I suggest this Gibbs video? It’s translated!

Gallup, meet Rasmussen.

Rasmussen, Gallup.

I believe that you two have something in common*.

Crossposted to RedState. Continue reading I’d like to introduce these two approval rating polls to each other.

51% over at Rasmussen.

This will go up at some point, but the President is not having a good week.

Yeah, a little sparse, but I wanted the post on Twitter. I suppose that I could have just Tweeted it, but I already published it, so: oh, well. It’s going to be interesting to see if Gallup will also show a drop: in some ways, it’d be worse than Rasmussen’s. Gallup’s polling has been a lot less volatile over time.

Crossposted to RedState.