Voting with my pocketbook: Arthur edition.

Via Glenn Reynolds, ladies and gentlemen: your tax dollars at… actually, “waste” doesn’t have the right connotation of “bizarrely surreal.”  Essentially, Democratic legislators have mainstreamed the antiwar Left’s Giant Puppet People by bringing the cartoon aardvark Arthur to a budget discussion.

Now, here’s the thing: I try to regulate what my kids watch.  I’m assisted in this by the fact that my wife is, frankly, too cheap to pay for cable; so we buy and rent videos.  Arthur was on our list of stuff to maybe buy when the kids were older; it is abruptly no longer on that list.  It’s nothing personal, but if the Other Side is going to be using cultural icons as partisan weapons then it’s perfectly acceptable for me to respond appropriately.

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading Voting with my pocketbook: Arthur edition.