Background Seed: Aklare Delal Une.

Aklare Delal Une – Google Docs

Aklare Delal Une


Yes, yes, focus on the audio file.  That’s the idea. Fix your gaze and horrified ears on what is touted as ‘the first sound recording.’  It’s not, really. It’s a digitized version of a phonautograph record — a 19th Century method of reproducing sound waves in visual form — which has then been sped up and warped, specifically to make it sound even creepier.  Humans are wired like that; if you want to make sure that a audio file is set for maximum levels of unsettling, make sure that it sounds like it’s being sung by a small child.  And in this case you want it set for maximum levels of unsettling, because the more outre the sound file is then the less attention that people will spend on the phonautograph’s creator.  In this case, one Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville.

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