I don’t know whether to laugh, or cry. This Guardian piece on the attempt to crowdfund paying off a mere 1.5 billion portion of the debt that the Greek government has wracked up has it all: bad logic, worse economic theory, a smoking case of We have to do something. This is something; therefore, this is what we have to do, and of course the lingering suspicion that the guy who set up the crowdfunder has just the slightest bit of trouble seeing the Greeks as people, rather than amusingly ethnic animate cardboard cutouts that just can’t help but screw up in a wacky fashion. Indeed, this is probably the most significant line in the piece:
But just think of the party!
…Yeah, that’s pretty much how the Greek government got into this mess. More accurately: it forgot to think of anything else. Even if you gave them the money, what’s going to happen when they need more? And more? And more? And more? – Since it appears that the European Left wants to enable this behavior, and everything. In fact, there’s a certain ring to it: since the Left loves spending Other People’s Money so much, they should be the first ones to do that.
Via Hot Air Headlines.