This Justice League Action trailer reminds me of Batman: the Brave and the Bold.

I mean this as a compliment, of course: I made damned sure that my children’s first introduction to Batman was that series. Between it and the Lego DC Superhero stuff they should be inoculated somewhat against other, lesser DC fare. Anyway, this looks fun:

Fun and light-hearted and it has Plastic Man in it which makes everything all right. Plastic Man is one of my touchstones for a DC offering; if he’s there, it’s not likely to be too dark. It almost can’t be.

Potentially interesting Batman game from Telltale.

First I’ve heard of it, but I am still building up ears-to-the-ground, so there’s that:

Batman The Telltale Series brings the company’s trademark player choice style to the world of the Dark Knight, with drastic effects. In the game players not only put on the cape and cowl and prowl the night of Gotham but put on a suit and tie and shake hands as Bruce Wayne.

Continue reading Potentially interesting Batman game from Telltale.

Had to have ‘the talk’ with my eldest just now.

I wasn’t expecting this quite so soon, but he just up and asked out of the blue: “Dad, who would win a fight: Batman, or Superman?”  So of course I had to explain to him Batman, son.  Because you know that Batman always has a plan, so he’s already ready to fight Superman.  And Superman’s too good a person to have a plan to fight his friend Batman. …He seems to have gotten it, so: whew.  Bullet, as they say, dodged.

So, here’s the Lego Batman Movie trailer.

It’s the Lego Movie Batman movie, mind you, not a Lego Batman movie. You can tell by the fact that this Lego Batman is clearly not as skilled as the usual Lego Batman, which means that oh God help me I’m going to have to watch this movie twenty thousand times when it hits DVD because well-meaning relatives will buy it for my children and then it’ll just be on continuous rotation for four days straight.  Because that’s how these things go.

Anyway: here’s the trailer!  Those of you with children: look upon the form of your Destructor! 2017!

Batman: Arkham Knight coming out tomorrow.

Here’s the link to it (Batman: Arkham Knight) if you haven’t ordered it yet.  …Which, admittedly, I have not. Still pretty deep in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; there was apparently a whole bunch of stuff that I missed the first time, and besides: I’m making different life choices to see what happens.  Although there are limits to that: I cannot let that game world stay as utterly awful as it wants to be.

I’m sure that I’ll pick Arkham Knight up eventually, though.

…Look, I want to see Batman v. Superman, too.

But I have to ask: why the shocked cheers?

…They’re showing you Batman. Everybody knows that Batman v. Superman is coming. So it is not exactly a surprise to see Superman on the screen, there. Just saying, that’s all.

Moe Lane

PS: Batman would win, of course.

The ‘Gotham’ television show trailer.

AoSHQ is, I think, horrified.

‘Gotham.’ It’s apparently like Smallville, except with more bloody exit wounds (I assume: I actually never watched Smallville). As to whether it will suck, or not… well, I may be more hopeful than AoSHQ. I think that the people doing it may have actually looked at the Year One source material.

Guess we’ll see.

Moe Lane