I may have been a trifle bit rude to the South Carolinian Republican establishment. Continue reading #rsrh My podcast with Fausta.
Tag: blog talk radio
#rsrh Last-minute BlogTalkRadio announcement.
I’ll be doing Fausta’s show at 11 AM (it says 11:15 AM right now, but the real life thing I had delaying it isn’t, anymore). The topic will be 18th century British fishing policy… HA! No, it’ll be on health care.
Blogtalk Radio w/Fausta: 07/15/2009.
We talked a bit about Sotomayor and cap-and-trade and whatnot; the highlight was probably me offering to trade Honduras for Beverly Hills.
Oh, don’t tell me that you wouldn’t make that trade, either. Fausta would, in a heartbeat.
My Podcast today with Fausta – 06/22/2009.
(Via, obviously, Fausta’s Blog) Mostly on Iran, and may I be proven wrong on all of it after tomorrow’s press conference. Just don’t ask me if I do anything more than hope.
I think that they’ve fixed the autoload problem on this.
(The book being referenced is You Can Do Anything, Daddy, which was MoeLane.com’s Book of the Week because I got it for Father’s Day.)
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
On BlogTalk Radio with Fausta again today.
After the fold; it’ll autoload. See also here. I’m going to blame any stammering and verbal tics on my knee.
Fair warning: I got a little angry at the end (around 32:30) when I was talking about what Little Miss Attila noted was only not a ‘rape’ list if you could honestly expect that a woman would knowingly and voluntarily have sex under those particular circumstances. My commenters here don’t need to defend themselves on that; I regulate comments here specifically to keep people who do that kind of trash behavior off of this site. But it’s an ugly problem with ugly wider consequences, and there’s no two ways about it.
I got a little, ah, vehement on Fausta’s show there.
Found here; autoloading link after the fold. Anyway, halfway through, in response to somebody doing the usual hand-down-the-pants nonsense about how Bush wasn’t President. You need to step on stuff like that.
I’ve also blogrolled Fausta. About time I did, really.
Moe Lane Continue reading I got a little, ah, vehement on Fausta’s show there.