Tweet of the Day, This Map Of The Blogosphere Brings Back Memories.

This is the environment that shaped my initial foray into pontificating about modern American politics.

…I don’t think that RedState is on here: or for that matter, Tacitus dot org (trust me: don’t look up that site now). And attrition has been heck on the people who were on that map. But those were, as they say, the days.

Well, mustn’t get all soggy with nostalgia, as the musical gadfly once said.

Moe Lane

#rsrh And this is why some us moved up.

I commented a bit about this in Twitter, but NRO’s disgusted sneer at Sadly, No! deserves a little bit more observation.  Not because of the Lefty site in question – after all: they affect nothing, influence nothing, and ultimately change nothing – but because of why it – and quite a few sites like it – still exists in the form that it does. Continue reading #rsrh And this is why some us moved up.

On why relying on market forces sucks for the progressive blogosphere.

While there’s a certain amount of schadenfreude welling up in what passes for my soul at yet another post by yet another progressive blogger complaining that the top-down, Inner Party/Outer Party support model that dominates the Left-blogosphere absolutely sucks for anybody who isn’t part of the elect – yes.  You are all surprised – there is one thing that actually does offend me about it.  Which is the implicit sneering being done at Right-blogosphere readers.  Particularly the whining being done here. Continue reading On why relying on market forces sucks for the progressive blogosphere.