Hard to explain why it’s messed up, to people who aren’t part of the Scene: the normals think that we’re all like this, anyway.
…it seems that a strange project that melds artistic vision, future-proofing the human race, and deep-sea exploration is about to once and for all find out whether Lovecraft really was somehow channelling a heretofore unexplored reality, or just a very troubled SF nerd before his time.
It’s called the Hornsleth Deep Storage Project, and it is genuinely, terrifyingly, strange and odd.
So here’s the plan in a nutshell – take the DNA from 5000 people from all over the world, stuff it onto a bizarrely geometric sculpture-cum-ark, and then drop the thing into the deepest part of the ocean, the Marianas Trench.
That’s human DNA, inside something awfully close to being terminally non-Euclidian, ELEVEN KILOMETERS down in the deep dark, where only eyeless things who can only dream of bones reside.
What could possibly go wrong…
Continue reading OK this is just kind of messed up. (BLUE HADES watch) #bluehades