01/15/2020 Book Report.

Slowly but surely, the meta-narrative is being untangled. I’m now debating whether to show another character again (but not kill him) before the climax. Perhaps I should.

  • 69.4K words.
  • Figured out what the Hell is going on with a particular scene.
  • Finally got rid of a passage that simply stated [Explain what the Hell is going on.]

01/07/2019 Book Report.

Did a few things.

  • Wrote about four hundred words or so for a new opening.
  • Freaked out about how much editors cost.
  • Calmed down, asked around, figured out that editing websites like to freak new writers out about editing to get them to spend money.
  • Still realized that editing was probably going to be an expense. And maps.

I also dealt with an early school dismissal (and the shutdown of the federal government in DC), so I didn’t do a few things more. Tomorrow.

01/06/2020 Book report.

Had to power through. Glad I did.

  • Got last four chapters done.
  • Got first quote on illustration/book cover. Below budget! …I had to restrain myself from saying You saw that your quote is below my original stated budget, right? I guess I assumed that the original budget amount would be seen as a floor, not a ceiling. Gimme a break, I’m new to this.