You know, doing that sort of thing isn’t actually a bad plan: Newt Gingrich is a pretty good idea man. But you think that the President could have attributed his sources:
President Obama lifted the theme of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s new book “Breakout” during a video interview with the Wall Street Journal.
In the session, he said that the nation is “poised for a breakout” because the U.S. economy has improved at a faster pace than other nations. It was one of the most tweeted lines from the interview.
Regnery Publishing released Gingrich’s uniquely titled book “Breakout” two weeks ago. It is unknown if the president has read it.
Or, you know, plugged the book. I’m in the middle of Breakout myself; it’s a good read so far. It wouldn’t have hurt the President to generate a little free goodwill, there. After all, in a little over three years Barack Obama’s going to want people to flog the book that he’s undoubtedly planning to write, once he gets out of office… Continue reading @barackobama ripping off Newt Gingrich’s new book Breakout.