Democrats get another GOP office vandalized.

Mission, as they say, accomplished.

This time, in Ohio:

‘Stop right wing’ is message to local GOP
Delivered via brick through HQ window

MARION — Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone had thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters downtown — with a message directed at stopping conservatism.

“Stop the right wing,” was written in purple ink on a piece of notebook paper.


It may cost more than $600 to fix the window…

Send the bill to the DNC.

Moe Lane

PS: The Ohio GOP site is here.

Crossposted to RedState.

Non-hate crime in Austin, TX.

(Via Instapundit) I was going to be tedious and heavy-handed about this story, but I’ve decided not to be. Somebody apparently threw this:

(Text: “Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.”)

…through a four-year-old’s window in East Austin, TX: and the cops have decided that it was not in fact a hate crime.

Which is of course nonsense.

UPDATE: Erick Erickson over at RS had some more comments on this.

Crossposted to RedState.