Alternative title: Cult-of-personality dictatorship to collapse after death of personality. Whoever could have guessed that this would happen?
In short, Venezuela is headed for a hard fall, and the current shift in leadership will be — as one local observer put it — like switching bus drivers on a bus hurtling downhill without breaks and a broken steering wheel. The problem’s not just the driver, it’s the entire bus too.
Via Instapundit. I really do wish that international Marxist regimes that have managed to survive this long would just admit that it’s because they’ve largely become monarchist or feudal states. They should give up and embrace the concept of kingship and aristocracy – or, in the case of the Chinese, finding a good, plausible-sounding reason to bring back a Son Of Heaven. Then the PRC can all put jade buttons on their Mao caps and actually run the bureaucracies in a more long-term fashion… sorry, where was I?
Ah, right, Chavez. Damned if I know what Venezuela’s going to do, here. Except probably have a civil war. Try not to burn down the oil wells, guys: you’ll want them later.
Moe Lane
PS: …What? You think that the USA will actually intervene? Under this President? Under the circumstances, I don’t think that I’m really justified in giving them anything except the most practical sort of advice…