#rsrh QotD, This Is Exactly My Take On This edition.

Glenn Reynolds, commenting on John Kass’s disgust with the selective outrage in Chicago over Chick-fil-A*, notes:

See, I support gay marriage — though I think it should be arrived at legislatively, not through judicial fiat — but the thuggish behavior of gay-marriage supporters is a real turnoff. There’s a good chance it will inspire a backlash.


Moe Lane

*The short version is, apparently you can get away with being publicly against gay marriage in Chicago if you are a) Louis Farrakhan and b) don’t own a Chick-fil-A franchise.  Actually, Farrakhan could get away with it even if he did own a Chick-fil-A franchise.

#rsrh A Georgia Obama for America staffer is about to get fired over Chick-fil-A.

Because somebody signed off on OfA spending campaign money to buy some delicious, delicious chicken sandwiches from the restaurant chain; and it’s highly unlikely that whoever that person is is going to be worth the hassle from gay rights organizations who have been whipped into a convenient froth on the subject.

Remember: there is a very short list of people that Barack Obama feels loyalty towards.  Probably nobody in Atlanta is on that list.

#rsrh Mayor Tom Menino helpfully opens up City of Boston to a lawsuit.

I say this as a same-sex marriage supporter: this is dumb, Menino.

Mayor Thomas M. Menino is vowing to block Chick-fil-A from bringing its Southern-fried fast-food empire to Boston — possibly to a popular tourist spot just steps from the Freedom Trail — after the family-owned firm’s president suggested gay marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.”

“Chick-fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston. You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We’re an open city, we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion,” Menino told the Herald yesterday.

“That’s the Freedom Trail. That’s where it all started right here. And we’re not going to have a company, Chick-fil-A or whatever the hell the name is, on our Freedom Trail.”

…because if Chick-fil-A actually does decide to try to expand into Boston and the Mayor’s office does block the applications then I imagine that the first thing that Chick-fil-A’s lawyers are going to check is whether there’s any, say, Southern Baptist and/or Roman Catholic-affiliated organizations with a business on the Freedom Trail – or applying for business permits in the City of Boston.  And then, when those lawyers find those examples, the next step is to ask why the City of Boston is discriminating against a private company for taking the same position on same-sex marriage as, to reiterate the point, the Archdiocese of Boston. Continue reading #rsrh Mayor Tom Menino helpfully opens up City of Boston to a lawsuit.

Regarding Chick-fil-A and its charitable contributions.

Speaking in libertarian terms (and as a social moderate myself), the question of whether it’s proper to deny a restaurant from operating on a college campus because it has an associated nonprofit that gives money to social conservatives* is a fairly easy one, yes?  Right of association, and all that: if you don’t like a company that supports a moral and ethical agenda that doesn’t agree with you, by all means vote with your feet and your pocketbook.  Assuming, of course, that no federal money is involved; if it’s strictly a private relationship, then you should be perfectly within your rights to do business how and as you please**.

Of course (still speaking as a social moderate), you’re also an idiot for blaming the local Chick-fil-A – and more importantly, denying yourself a damned good chicken sandwich – for the actions of an affiliate of its corporate management.  Fortunately, while ‘being an idiot’ is not actually an enumerated right under the Constitution it is generally conceded that American citizens have a reasonable expectation of being able to be idiots.  If that’s what they choose to be, of course. Continue reading Regarding Chick-fil-A and its charitable contributions.