It’s not happening here, but in Australia and New Zealand Coca-Cola is trying out a new soft drink that supposedly tastes just like regular Coke but without the calories. If it works out, I lose a diet soda that I can actually drink. Supposedly I wouldn’t care, because the other drink would taste fine, but how often does THAT happen? I got lucky with Coke Zero.
Personally, I think that Coca-Cola should stop trying to make everybody happy and start up with core principle maintenance. Drop the high-fructose corn syrup. Make the regular Cokes with real sugar again, keep the Coke Zero and stop trying to chase the ‘original flavor’ mirage, then start practicing their ‘go aways’ and ‘shut ups’ to all those people out there with pet hobbyhorses. And stop the dang apologizing for everything. It’s not like they’re putting cocaine in the mix anymore.