Moral of the story: get Condoleezza Rice for events, not Hillary Clinton.

This is pretty straightforward, actually:

Former SecState Condoleezza Rice will cost less to speak AND will raise more money for your charity than former SecState Hillary Clinton does and will. It’s just basic math. Mind you, Rice was also a better SecState than Clinton was, anyway…

Not shocking news: Dropbox tells anti-Rice protesters to take a hike.

If you ever wanted to work out the pecking order that exists among various lefty groups, this news will give you some good data: “Condoleezza Rice​ will remain on Dropbox’s board of directors, according to a blogpost from founder and CEO Drew Houston. Rice’s recent appointment to the board drew some controversy among political opponents of the former secretary of state, who urged the file-sharing company to reverse its decision.”

Continue reading Not shocking news: Dropbox tells anti-Rice protesters to take a hike.