“Do you know who I am?” …Apparently he didn’t, Sparky.
Apparently David Corn caused quite the scene today in a Capitol Hill Barnes & Noble when his new book (an apologetic for the President*) was not prominently displayed so that the People would know that today was the day that Corn’s absolutely vital work of political literature had come out… God, I love DC, in that special I-actually-loathe-it-and-yearn-for-New-Jersey sort of way.
Anyway. FishbowlDC buried the lede: somebody actually paid David Corn money to write several hundred pages of nonsense trying to convince Democrats that President Obama has had an effective first term. This, in an era where liberals are looking up the details on do-it-yourself trepanning, on the off chance that it might actually dull the pain and shame of having to vote for that guy again.
Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh FishbowlDC buries the lede on David Corn’s bookstore temper tantrum.