That’s the last one of the new chapbook in the can, as it were. And at last.
Tag: deep in the heart of sex fish
07/26/21 Snippet, DEEP IN THE HEART OF SEX FISH.
07/22/21 Snippet, DEEP IN THE HEART OF SEX FISH.
Second date! (They should have had one.)
07/21/21 Snippet, DEEP IN THE HEART OF SEX FISH.
This really needed some more expansion. Ach, well, that’s how you learn.
07/20/21 Snippet, DEEP IN THE HEART OF SEX FISH.
I’m taking a day off from the other story because I need to really think about how bad things get for them and how they’re getting out of them, and I need to get this next chapbook in order so that I can send the files to the artist and have him do some drawing. Fortunately this project is almost ready for beta readers…
(The original can be read here.)