Oregon town scratching its head over how to solve its deer overpopulation problem.

See if you can figure out what phrase is absent from this article on one Oregon town’s deer problem:

A town in southern Oregon will hold a public meeting to discuss how to deal with droves of fearless deer that wander the streets, occasionally acting aggressively toward residents, state wildlife officials said on Tuesday.

The “Deer Summit 2015” will be chaired on Wednesday by Ashland Mayor John Stromberg as part of efforts to address deer that have stalked people, pawed at them with their hooves and even stomped on small dogs.

“The deer have no fear of humans,” said Mark Vargas, District Wildlife Biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Continue reading Oregon town scratching its head over how to solve its deer overpopulation problem.

Whitetail deer: I wonder what this enclosure is? National Zoo cheetahs: NOM NOM NOM.

To quote Larry Niven: think of this as evolution in action.

Two cheetahs at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo have met with some unexpected prey. The result was predictable.

Zoo officials say a white- tailed deer was killed by the cheetahs after it apparently jumped into their enclosure on Friday. A spokeswoman calls it “a normal and expected reaction” by the carnivorous big cats.

Continue reading Whitetail deer: I wonder what this enclosure is? National Zoo cheetahs: NOM NOM NOM.

Simple question, DC folks: do you WANT wolves in Rock Creek Park? Right THERE?

Seriously, if you are a DC suburban resident: do you want a pack of wolves to move in next door? Right next to your pets? Digging into your garbage for all that rotten meat that you threw away?  Howling at night?


Well, here’s the thing:

Biologists generally recommend that area should have no more than 20 deer per square mile. [Rock Creek Park], according to official estimates, has about 70.

Continue reading Simple question, DC folks: do you WANT wolves in Rock Creek Park? Right THERE?