…of Dana Millbank’s article about his Israeli au pair*…
…You know, I can’t remember what I was going to say about Jim Geraghty’s post, past “Jim’s right.” Probably something along the lines of noting that President Obama’s Jerusalem gaffe was sufficiently egregious that it’s got the head of the DNC whining about how Republicans shouldn’t take advantage of it. Free hint, Debbie: if you don’t want to deal with the President making ignorant policy statements, then don’t let him make any. Or quit your job; because we of the VRWC are neither required nor inclined to show mercy to a political opponent simply because he’s a bit of a bumbler with no real feel for his position.
Moe Lane
*Which I am not going to mock; I wouldn’t mind a live-in domestic assistant myself if we had the money and/or room for it, and if you’re going to have one then it makes perfect sense to have one that can field-strip a M-16.