That’s the only possible explanation for her making this statement.
[House MINORITY Leader Nancy] Pelosi appeared conflicted over whether it was acceptable for the administration to simply disappear American citizens, a term that had previously been used as a verb only outside the United States.
“It depends on the situation,” she said. “Maybe it depends on the timing, because that’s right — it’s all about timing, imminence. What is it that could be in jeopardy if people know that happened at this time? I just don’t know.”
Oh, she knows. She totally knows. But there’s a limit to Nancy Pelosi’s sadism, after all. Or at least Pelosi understands that the antiwar movement will be useful to the Democrats again once the GOP wins the White House. Even a whipped dog can serve its master. Continue reading Nancy Pelosi loathes the antiwar movement even more than I do!