…this has been a bad day, and I am almost at the spot where I can just go to bed and write off the rest of it. Having my kids’ computer blow a fuse is, methinks, a sign. Some day you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you…
Tag: done
This site is not friendly territory for defenders[*] of Donald Trump.
I have taken down no names, and have no desire to. However, this is neither negotiable, nor a topic for discussion. If you cannot respect that, it is my suggestion that you simply stop reading me.
Thank you.
Moe Lane Continue reading This site is not friendly territory for defenders[*] of Donald Trump.
I’m just calling the rest of the day.
There’s a post scheduled for 8 PM, but that’s going to be it. It was a long day, and I spent most of it convinced that I was being the sort of person that you dread seeing come down the hall. So I’m just going to give the kids a bath and then maybe have a beer when everybody’s asleep.