Democratic donors discovering Obama is just marking time until 2017.

I find stories like this to be perversely fascinating:

Top Democratic donors say they are exasperated by a lack of leadership from the White House on policy and are questioning whether they should throw money into midterm elections they believe won’t change Washington.

…mostly because I invariably end up asking myself, How do ‘top Democratic donors’ manage to make money when they apparently spend all their time in deep comas? Seriously: if you’ve taken this long to figure out that Barack Obama is bored by his job, doesn’t do any part of it that he absolutely doesn’t have to, and can’t be bothered to show consideration to others… then I don’t know. Maybe you shouldn’t give money to Democrats. Instead, give money to me.

Continue reading Democratic donors discovering Obama is just marking time until 2017.

The Bloom is off the Unicorn: party donors starting to look ahead past @barackobama.

I imagine these last two paragraphs probably burns the administration.  It burns them like hygiene*:

Still, party fundraisers said that it has been hard to get major contributors jazzed about writing checks to the DNC. They are more intrigued with 2016 and whether Hillary Rodham Clinton will make another White House run.

“I get dozens of inquiries from donors who say, ‘I want to get in early with Hillary,’ ” said a prominent party fundraiser. “A lot of the donors are starting to look past this administration to the next one.”

Continue reading The Bloom is off the Unicorn: party donors starting to look ahead past @barackobama.

#rsrh So, this J Street foreign donors thing…

…that Walter Russell Mead brings up in passing while explaining why AIPAC succeeds and J Street fails*: does that mean that Barack Obama will start criticizing the organization until it discloses its donors list?  Personally, I don’t particularly care one way or the other, but it seems to be a bit of a preoccupation among Democrats contemplating their own political mortality these days; so practice what you preach, Democrats.

Moe Lane

PS: I am practicing what I’m preaching: I don’t care if they do.  But if advocating full disclosure is such an important moral stance for Democrats, why aren’t they pounding the table and demanding that J Street reveal its donor list?

Continue reading #rsrh So, this J Street foreign donors thing…

NY Dem Donors Discover Elementary Self-Respect.

(H/T: Instapundit) A fascinating bit of trivia for people out there: if you’re a Democrat, and you go  keep telling a group of folks- in this case, Wall Street and other wealthy New York Democratic donors – that they’re unmitigated scum who need to be drained of every drop of their dirty money if they want to avoid being lynched by an angry Mob led by the White House and Congressional Democrats – hey, guess what happens!  They stop giving Democrats money!

No!  Really!  They do!

A perfect storm of events — the recession, Wall Street anger at Washington, donors who feel ignored by the White House and interest group dissatisfaction — has Democrats bracing for a brutal fundraising period and fearful of losing dominance in longtime donor stronghold and megarich New York.

While the exact quarterly figures won’t be known until after the July 15 filing deadline, a number of Democratic campaign insiders said the past few months were a mighty struggle to raise cash for candidates.

Continue reading NY Dem Donors Discover Elementary Self-Respect.