Virginia Senate race will be the canary in the coal mine.

AT THE MOMENT, Democrat Mark Warner is favored to win. But it looks like former RNC chair Ed Gillespie is running. I’d recommend that you ignore most of the NYT’s slightly nervous well-poisoning there* and note this section:

Virginians who have recently spoken to Mr. Warner said he was consumed with the idea of a challenge from Mr. Gillespie. One longtime political hand in Richmond said Mr. Warner shifted a recent conversation to the topic of Mr. Gillespie “within about the first 15 seconds.”

That is the sound of a sitting Senator who has just realized that he may not be allowed to coast this cycle. Continue reading Virginia Senate race will be the canary in the coal mine.

Better Ed Gillespie than Bill Bolling for VA-SEN.

And I say this with no knowledge whether Bill Bolling is even thinking of a Senate run. I am also not saying that Ed Gillespie is the best choice for VA-SEN, because I’m pretty confident that many of my readers who are to the right on me on immigration will say that Gillespie is not. What I am saying is that my first reaction to this:

Former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie is considering a run against Virginia Sen. Mark Warner (D) next year.

“It’s a very winnable race,” the powerful GOP insider told POLITICO in a Saturday afternoon interview.

…was the title of my post; and that my second reaction was that Ed Gillespie should stay far away from Bolling if he wants to be a viable candidate in the Virginia GOP Senate primary next year. Bolling burned a lot of bridges by helping to inflict Terry McAuliffe on Virginia voters for the next four years; I’m not the only one who is not going to forget that, and I’m a damnable Republican squish. Imagine how the hardcore conservatives feel…

Moe Lane