You’d think that a major American holiday was approaching, or that it was the end of the year after a hard-fought political cycle. Or something like that. Seriously, though, it was a stressful election cycle. Even more than 2010 was, in some ways. At least in ’10 we had blown through our initial objectives early and were just trying to run up the score as much as we could; this go-round we were trying to hit victory conditions in the Senate that looked like they were just out of reach.
Turned out that they weren’t.
Anyway, now that LA’s done with I’m wondering whether to eve[n] [oops!] try to political blog until 2015. A lot of the next few weeks is likely to be highly stylized. I don’t know how many of the players will be taking all – or any – of it seriously, so I don’t know how much *I* should. Something to think about, I guess…