Wi-fi connection problems bleg.

The problem: Cable box in living room. Ethernet to my computer, younger kid’s computer, TV setup. No worries. Wi-Fi upstairs (older kid’s computer, Kindle Fires in bedroom), no worries. Basement has terrible reception. Wife needs good reception for work.

Assume I am not drilling a hole in the ceiling to drop an ethernet cable. Take that off the table. What’s my best non-intrusive solution that doesn’t involve moving my wife’s workstation out of the basement?

…Is this really the electronics I need for a weekend New Media trip?

I’ve just gone over the list, and… huh.

  • iPad.
  • iPad keyboard/carrying case & stylus.
  • iPod.
  • Camera with video recording capacity.
  • Cellphone.
  • Tripod.
  • Back-up video camera.
  • Flash drive.
  • A handful of SB cards with as much digital memory as probably existed in 1990. Worldwide.
  • Kindle.
  • Voice recorder.

…And I’m packing light.

Moe Lane