SO LET ME TE… sorry. So, let me tell you about this field trip.

Going to a farm? OK, no problem.  Gonna be all day? No sense whining about it.  Turns out that most of the parents bailed, so I’m getting assigned ten kids today? …Look, it’s not like I have a choice anyway.  By now all the teachers know that I’m a stay-at-home and a soft touch. And it’s not the teachers’ fault that they lost most of their parent chaperones.  But then the rain started.  This wasn’t regular rain, either.  This was SCA camping event rain*, grim and determined and not in a hurry to go anywhere. The kind of rain that makes the kind of mud that turns into a slippery deathtrap on any kind of slope. Continue reading SO LET ME TE… sorry. So, let me tell you about this field trip.

:Staggers into view:

Field trip.  First graders, visiting the National Aquarium.  Which means, of course, that everybody had to see all the nemos and dorys.  And the octopuses. And the eels. And the Aquarium’s actually fairly impressive collection of poisonous tree frogs, which the children found suitably impressive once I explained just how deadly said frogs were.  It’s never too early to get kids interested in the biological sciences.

Anyway. WIPED.  My children made me take a nap as soon as we all got home; they’d do their homework, and have their mom take a look at it.  Which they then gratifyingly proceeded to do. It’s nice when they get old enough to handle stuff, huh?

Field trip today!

The teachers have discovered that we’re soft touches when it comes to chaperoning and whatnot.  More accurately, my older kid’s teachers discovered that, and they cheerfully passed that information along.  Ah, well, I’m home all day anyway. Plus, nothing wrong with spending the morning with my kid looking at birds or whatever.