So. Age of Ultron, or Fury Road?

Sure, I’d like to catch both. But I may not be able to. Even if I do: which one of the two are my readers really looking forward to more? For my part: Age of Ultron is looking to be another solid entry in the Marvel Universe, and Marvel’s been doing well on that front. But Fury Road looks like it’s just flat out nuts.


The ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ teaser trailer.

…I look at this, and there’s only one emotion I feel.

Bemusement. It could be great; it could be awful. It’s unlikely to be mediocre, if only because a lot of people with strong opinions on the subject were clearly involved in the making of this film. What confuses me is why they made this film. What great itch in the national psyche is this film scratching?

Ach, well, I’ll probably go see it anyway.  Maybe it’s no more profound than that.