Tweet of the Day, Compare The Man To His Successor – No, Wait, That’s Cruel To @BarackObama edition.

Swear to God, I think George W Bush looks younger now than when he left office.


You can tell he doesn’t miss that man-killing job in the slightest.

Via Twitchy – and, by the way: congratulations on being bought by Salem!

Time: Help Barry, George W Bush. You’re his only hope.

Yes, I paraphrase, or possibly am reading too much into the subtext.  Still, hope springs eternal, nu?

There’s no telling what might happen now that Barack Obama and George W. Bush find themselves taking a long Air Force One flight from Washington to Johannesburg to attend the funeral of Nelson Mandela. But history suggests something will.

Historic funerals have a way of concentrating the minds of the men and women who make history. They’ve already had to plan their own funerals in uncomfortably vivid detail: Who comes, who speaks, where will all the satellite trucks park, do they want to be buried near their home or at their presidential library to be sure the pilgrims keep on coming?

As they write their eulogies for their fellow titans, they can’t help but imagine their own, review their challenges, hype their accomplishments, hide their regrets. These uncommon occasions to get together, if nothing else, are an opportunity to forgive.

Continue reading Time: Help Barry, George W Bush. You’re his only hope.

Bush Rehabilitation Watch: stopping by the RGA.

Makes sense:

George W. Bush made a surprise appearance Thursday at the Republican Governors Association meeting here.

The former president flew in from Dallas at the request of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who became chairman of the RGA earlier in the day.

Continue reading Bush Rehabilitation Watch: stopping by the RGA.

GWB: Just build the darn pipeline.

Because George W Bush is a sensible man.

Former President George W. Bush said building the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline is a “no-brainer” for economic growth.

“I think the goal of the country ought to be, ‘How do we grow the private sector?’ ” Bush said at a Pittsburgh luncheon with energy executives, according to DeSmog Blog.

“If private-sector growth is the goal and Keystone pipeline creates 20,000 new private-sector jobs, build the damn thing,” Bush said.

Via The Daily Caller. Note that I deliberately removed the link to DeSmog Blog: I actually don’t have problems with religious fundamentalists per se, but radical Greenie-Gaian theocrats are simply intolerable at any level of interaction.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I downgraded it to ‘Darn’ in the title.  RedState is a family site and its RTs should reflect that.

Swallow your pride and call in George W Bush, @BarackObama. You need his competence. #obamacare

And that’s not just my assessment of the man’s abilities: that’s USA Today‘s.

[Barack Obama’s Chief Technology Adviser Todd] Park said the administration expected 50,000 to 60,000 simultaneous users. It got 250,000. Compare that with the similarly rocky debut seven years ago of exchanges to obtain Medicare drug coverage. The Bush administration projected 20,000 simultaneous users and built capacity for 150,000.

That’s the difference between competence and incompetence.

Via Mary Katharine Ham, and note that that assessment was made ten days ago. Things have not improved for the administration since.  Heck, it’s an open question whether or not HHS is going to get sued for, God help us all, software piracy: Continue reading Swallow your pride and call in George W Bush, @BarackObama. You need his competence. #obamacare

Three things about this MRC video…

where they ask people in DC whether they blame Barack Obama or George W Bush for the shutdown:

  1. …I’m not really upset that they’re blaming the one guy in the Republican party who had nothing to do with the shutdown for the shutdown.
  2. Neither is the Republican party leadership. They’re actually kind of relieved that they got away with it, because general resentment of a party loses a lot in translation into specific dislike of a politician*.
  3. …I like you, 1:02 Woman. I say this, knowing full well that you probably vote a straight Democratic ticket. You’re like the only person in those clips who treated the very question as if it was crazy, which it was.

Moe Lane

*Look at House re-election rates for the last forty years if you don’t believe me.  Approval rating is, what, 10% at the moment? Of course, that’s the average approval rating for Every OTHER Member of Congress besides mine, but we’re not supposed to say that, for some reason.

Barack Obama to bask a little in George W Bush’s reflected African glory.

Ah, As The Worm Turns.

Jay Carney also announced that George W. Bush will join President Obama at the wreath-laying event Tuesday morning at the site of the embassy bombings. He did not provide many details, but said he did not expect the two presidents to make any remarks at the event.

Care to guess why suddenly Obama can’t wait to be seen with George W Bush? Well… (H/T Andrew Malcolm) Continue reading Barack Obama to bask a little in George W Bush’s reflected African glory.

George W Bush to visit Africa again! …And, oh, yeah: so will Barack Obama.

Two comments on this:

Mr. Bush, who made fighting AIDS in Africa a top goal of his administration, will take a trip there — his third since leaving office — as part of a program to combat cervical cancer. He will leave late next week for Zambia, where he will help refurbish a clinic, and then head to Tanzania, where his wife, Laura Bush, is organizing a forum for African first ladies.

Mr. Bush will overlap briefly on July 2 with Mr. Obama in Tanzania, the last stop on the current president’s itinerary after Senegal and South Africa. There are no plans for the two to see each other, but Michelle Obama has agreed to attend the first ladies’ forum with Mrs. Bush in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, to promote women’s education, health and economic empowerment.

One is nice, one is… not so nice. Continue reading George W Bush to visit Africa again! …And, oh, yeah: so will Barack Obama.

Matthew Dowd writes an apology for Barack Obama that Obama would never use.

I know that this Matthew Dowd piece (“Imagining Obama’s Apology to Bush“) is entertaining to many in its angry despair that Barack Obama ended doing all of those natsec things that the Left thought that George W Bush was doing, only on steroids. And it is very, very tasty despair; but there is still one important thing to remember. Barack Obama did, in fact, continue a goodly number of Bush-era policies.

The difference, of course, is that under Bush those policies worked.  Or, more accurately: those policies were implemented by a man who instinctively understood when to talk, and when to punch.  GWB’s facility with the latter after 9/11 was so successful* that foreign terrorist groups pretty much shelved whatever plans they had to make more organized terrorist attacks on American soil… which is a reticence that they no longer have, during this administration.  That’s because George W Bush terrified the groups that we’re still with war with, and use of that verb was intentional.  Obama simply doesn’t scare them as much.

This is, by the way, a problem. Continue reading Matthew Dowd writes an apology for Barack Obama that Obama would never use.

If you haven’t read this Keith Hennessey piece…

…(“George W. Bush is smarter than you.”) do so.  If only to get an idea about why so many Lefty pundits were in full puppy-kicking mode over the last few days.  It’s not that they secretly suspect that Hennessey may be right; it’s not that the public opinion polls keep on creeping up for GWB, the way that polls tend to do for ex-Presidents not named Richard Nixon; it’s not even that far too many Democrats/liberals/progressives made the fatal flaw of defining themselves as being what George W Bush was not, and thus are now incapable of seeing an attack on their vision of Bush as being an attack upon themselves.

Well, it’s all of those things, but it’s also because some of them are starting to realize Hey, it never got any better than Election Night 2008, huh?  Ah, the hangover of hate*: it’s a killer.  I HOPE THAT WE’RE NOT BEING TOO LOUD, GUYSContinue reading If you haven’t read this Keith Hennessey piece…