Grand Vizier Bartholomew Morraine – Google Docs
Grand Vizier Bartholomew Morraine
Bartholomew Morraine is the very model of a classic grand vizier: he is tall, saturnine, sports a goatee, wears silken robes whenever he can get away with it, and never goes anywhere without his blackwood staff. He is currently more or less in charge of whatever North American petty-kingdom the players next encounter, and it is widely (and accurately) whispered that Morraine is a sorcerer of no little skill. Certainly he has no trouble with binding others to Morraine’s service, and probably his will as well. Ah… the King’s (or Premier’s, or President’s, or Mayor’s) service, of course. There’s always a figurehead in place, while Morraine rules from the shadows. He prefers it that way.
Continue reading Grand Vizier Bartholomew Morraine [The Day After Ragnarok]